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Welcome to Sophia's Life + Style, thank you for finding my little slice in intarnet, if you are interested on my posts please subscrive! Let's go get to know each other more...


As you may know a big theme of my blog is lifestyle, exercice, health, healthy food, etc. This post is about 8 ways to make you get fites, this is defenetly true because is what I did to get fitted and is what I actually do. I love all this tips and I want to share them woth you;

1- Start you day with a healthy and strong breakfast, what I life to eat are overnight oats sometimes with cinnamon or with honey, or what I also have, if I'm not feeling oats, are milkshakes, my favorite are; orange and peach, bannana, or peach, strawberries and blue berries. And what i also love having eggs.

2- Start your day drinking a full glass of water. What I life to do is to have a bottle of 800ml of water and drink all of that right after I wake up. That energizes me and makes me feel better and makes me feel more awake.

3- Try to workout more often, the best thing you can do to improve your healthy lifestyle is to exercice and have healthy meals, that will make you get fit faster and will make you feel happy and proud of your self. The best thing you can do is when you are working out and you want to stop just ask yourself, how much I want this?, This is worth it!, It is just one hour out of twenty four!

4- Have a good active playlist, it can either be on Itunes or spotify or on whatever music app you use. So when you go and workout you'll have this fast and active music in your playlist that will make you active too. You will start to like more working out and that will benefit a lot your body.

5- This made my body transforme a lot, eating healthy, firstly just drink water or natural juices that you know doesn't have any sugars or any wierd ingredient. Also try to leave the flour because that will make you bloat a lot. If you like to maker your drink a little more sweet, use a natural sweetener, some weeks ago during blogmas I posted a full post dedicated to this theme so if you are interested just feel free to check it out.

6- I feel that cooking at home is much better that going out and buying something that you dont know what the food contains. If you cook food at home you'll see and know what ingredients the food you are eating have, I'm defenetly not saying DONT GO OUT TO EAT of course not, because you are a human and you have to give yourself testes sometimes, I'm just saying is better to cook your food.

7- Get inspiration, go through minterest find cute pictures and find new healthy recipies that will inpire and will make you want to taste.

8- Adding spice to your meals makes your metabolism go faster. It is thought the main element that gives chilis their heat - capsaicin - is responsible for creating this effect, as it creates heat generation and raises body temperature upon consumption.

Thank you for reading my post hope you learned something!

Sophia xox

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