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Welcome to Sophia's Life + Style, thank you for finding my little slice in intarnet, if you are interested on my posts please subscrive! Let's go get to know each other more...


I love this kinds of videos, because I get to know what my friends or other bloggers got. I want to say that I'm not trying to brag in any kind of way, I just want to shre with you what I recived this Christmas. I also want to say that I'm soo greatfull for all the gifts I recived and that I love my family as well as my friends. Well with all that being said, let's get started!

The first thing I recived was a room fragance machine that basicly you buy any king of sent you like and you put it in a little jar with 45 ml of water and then you pour it in the machine that will make the water evaporate living a wonderfull fragance in your room. I'm literally in love with this thing, I'm currently using it and my room smells like heaven. This gift was bought in the Candle Shop and I'm using the fragance named "Nectarine".

Then I got the two books I wanted, The Elite and The One from Kiera Cass, which I'm going to start now. And if you are interested on reading this book and you want me to do a review on the I will do it, so live a comment or contact me through my blog.

I also recived the phone case I wanted. It is the pastel pink by apple, the silicone one. It is just beautiful, and I defenetly was in need of a new phonecase because the one I have before was destroyed and I had it for two years now so... Im so happy with how it looks. In the picoture I took it looks more like a hot pink but if you see it in person you'll see it like a astel color.

And last but defenetly not least, beacuase is one of my favorite preasents, are the fairy lights I recived. They are like in a falling arrangement. They make my room look so cozy and cute. I love reading with these lights on, it makes me realx and feel more confortable in my room.

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